all postcodes in BR6 / ORPINGTON

find any address or company within the BR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR6 6DP 7 0 51.353912 0.095289
BR6 6DQ 21 0 51.351643 0.096909
BR6 6DR 23 0 51.354357 0.093026
BR6 6DS 14 0 51.354965 0.095194
BR6 6DT 34 1 51.352594 0.09352
BR6 6DU 4 0 51.352174 0.092954
BR6 6DW 13 0 51.353701 0.095509
BR6 6DX 6 0 51.353794 0.103356
BR6 6DY 9 0 51.352068 0.094272
BR6 6DZ 2 0 51.351692 0.094282
BR6 6EA 16 0 51.352927 0.096523
BR6 6EB 50 0 51.352008 0.098161
BR6 6ED 20 0 51.355586 0.100192
BR6 6EE 35 0 51.354039 0.102203
BR6 6EF 23 0 51.354384 0.102076
BR6 6EG 20 0 51.35633 0.100872
BR6 6EH 10 0 51.356928 0.099104
BR6 6EJ 35 0 51.355442 0.098734
BR6 6EL 28 0 51.355513 0.099283
BR6 6EN 2 0 51.357513 0.128057