all postcodes in CM77 / BRAINTREE

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM77 8RB 12 0 51.852182 0.566059
CM77 8RS 11 0 51.878238 0.620956
CM77 8XW 61 0 51.85094 0.564028
CM77 8YH 95 75 51.87009 0.570898
CM77 8YJ 22 22 51.868888 0.572006
CM77 8YL 10 9 51.873693 0.568141
CM77 8ZS 10 0 51.850706 0.566106
CM77 8ZT 1 1 51.876441 0.566235
CM77 8ZZ 38 1 51.851277 0.567126
CM77 8JP 15 0 51.856129 0.584989
CM77 8YG 19 15 51.872807 0.567552
CM77 8JT 34 33 51.845169 0.524424
CM77 8FL 4 0 51.86274 0.53745
CM77 8FG 1 1 51.872156 0.568475
CM77 8FP 0 51.899511 0.63333
CM77 8FR 1 51.868605 0.64791
CM77 8QU 2 0 51.859169 0.534605
CM77 8FQ 9 0 51.85837 0.601602
CM77 8FS 6 0 51.892778 0.616991
CM77 8FT 0 51.890508 0.616365