all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 8GG 0 51.51275 -0.067955
E1 8BF 0 51.512843 -0.068559
E1 8GH 0 51.512211 -0.069058
E1 8GJ 0 51.512433 -0.068792
E1 8FE 1 51.512038 -0.072741
E1 8LJ 13 0 51.509418 -0.067649
E1 8GL 12 0 51.514542 -0.068081
E1 8GN 17 0 51.510801 -0.065919
E1 8GP 4 1 51.511776 -0.07157
E1 8GS 2 0 51.510879 -0.065082
E1 8GU 25 0 51.510964 -0.064355
E1 8GW 2 0 51.510966 -0.064329
E1 8HF 0 51.510269 -0.062021
E1 8NF 87 1 51.51448 -0.06977
E1 8NG 85 0 51.51448 -0.06977
E1 8NJ 65 1 51.514546 -0.069954
E1 8NQ 2 2 51.514554 -0.069769
E1 8RX 1 1 51.519018 -0.058133
E1 8GZ 29 0 51.513295 -0.072111
E1 8NS 0 51.510981 -0.063202