all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E6 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 6WT 21 0 51.51397 0.06573
E6 6WU 7 0 51.514055 0.063961
E6 6WW 7 0 51.513954 0.063582
E6 6WX 14 0 51.513127 0.065115
E6 6WY 14 0 51.513436 0.062852
E6 6WZ 46 0 51.512779 0.063384
E6 6XD 1 1 51.517519 0.067418
E6 6XH 1 1 51.525565 0.05785
E6 6YY 1 0 51.525565 0.05785
E6 6ZA 8 0 51.512542 0.065103
E6 6ZB 1 1 51.513472 0.0649
E6 6ZE 13 0 51.51187 0.068561
E6 6ZF 18 0 51.511821 0.069293
E6 6JH 11 0 51.525681 0.05947
E6 6JE 31 0 51.526094 0.058969
E6 6JJ 25 0 51.525234 0.05981
E6 6JL 15 0 51.525497 0.059173
E6 6DL 6 0 51.528012 0.063958
E6 6JN 25 0 51.524977 0.059106
E6 6EP 0 51.526419 0.064563