all postcodes in FK1 / LARBERT

find any address or company within the FK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK1 5PA 46 0 55.991133 -3.805632
FK1 5PB 8 0 55.991592 -3.802495
FK1 5PD 22 0 55.990694 -3.801235
FK1 5PE 23 0 55.991017 -3.800656
FK1 5PF 9 0 55.991475 -3.799459
FK1 5PG 10 0 55.986761 -3.806582
FK1 5PH 27 0 55.986422 -3.805172
FK1 5PJ 28 0 55.985865 -3.805146
FK1 5PL 22 0 55.994305 -3.790211
FK1 5PN 13 0 55.990386 -3.803866
FK1 5PP 2 0 55.989607 -3.806387
FK1 5PQ 19 0 55.986303 -3.807186
FK1 5PT 1 0 55.992007 -3.812214
FK1 5PU 10 0 55.993016 -3.820551
FK1 5PW 17 0 55.991569 -3.793018
FK1 5PX 2 0 55.988565 -3.795324
FK1 5PZ 35 0 55.991547 -3.808649
FK1 5QA 16 0 55.99702 -3.791411
FK1 5QB 3 0 55.995831 -3.792831
FK1 5QE 1 1 55.997774 -3.79454