all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 8HX 69 0 56.057186 -3.414167
KY11 8HY 45 1 56.057448 -3.407031
KY11 8HZ 29 0 56.058119 -3.407296
KY11 8NA 72 0 56.053421 -3.411043
KY11 8PA 1 1 56.05055 -3.433304
KY11 8PB 22 22 56.047197 -3.417508
KY11 8PE 3 3 56.050521 -3.427282
KY11 8PF 1 1 56.04858 -3.415538
KY11 8PG 3 0 56.081436 -3.402602
KY11 8PH 6 0 56.081533 -3.403538
KY11 8PJ 1 1 56.050096 -3.429868
KY11 8PL 9 8 56.049192 -3.429561
KY11 8PP 3 3 56.053405 -3.429264
KY11 8PQ 2 1 56.082812 -3.402811
KY11 8PR 1 1 56.055321 -3.437175
KY11 8PT 1 0 56.053325 -3.43572
KY11 8PU 16 14 56.05639 -3.44648
KY11 8PY 14 11 56.048419 -3.426402
KY11 8QG 19 0 56.049598 -3.419252
KY11 8QJ 5 0 56.049111 -3.412379