all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 8QL 8 0 56.0519 -3.402654
KY11 8QN 13 2 56.048419 -3.402961
KY11 8QP 1 1 56.054583 -3.446477
KY11 8QQ 35 0 56.058159 -3.445776
KY11 8QR 2 1 56.054626 -3.416062
KY11 8QS 1 1 56.055628 -3.442453
KY11 8QU 5 0 56.05874 -3.439855
KY11 8QW 23 0 56.058367 -3.4449
KY11 8QX 32 0 56.059131 -3.437204
KY11 8QY 16 0 56.05774 -3.419214
KY11 8QZ 53 0 56.057132 -3.417377
KY11 8RA 24 0 56.057516 -3.416765
KY11 8RB 22 0 56.057114 -3.415755
KY11 8RD 19 0 56.059564 -3.42153
KY11 8RE 38 1 56.059674 -3.429853
KY11 8RF 27 1 56.059734 -3.427028
KY11 8RG 12 0 56.059692 -3.419768
KY11 8RH 4 0 56.06007 -3.421291
KY11 8RJ 10 0 56.059553 -3.422477
KY11 8RL 27 0 56.058813 -3.421952