all postcodes in LN6 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN6 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN6 7RJ 59 0 53.20742 -0.564095
LN6 7RL 12 0 53.206515 -0.564335
LN6 7RN 26 0 53.209102 -0.567573
LN6 7RP 15 0 53.209832 -0.569225
LN6 7RQ 60 0 53.205866 -0.564566
LN6 7RR 38 0 53.210097 -0.567315
LN6 7RT 9 0 53.209865 -0.562591
LN6 7RW 23 0 53.208569 -0.568459
LN6 7RY 18 18 53.218193 -0.562102
LN6 7SB 3 1 53.217684 -0.553942
LN6 7SD 59 0 53.217362 -0.551811
LN6 7SE 39 0 53.215767 -0.554815
LN6 7SG 8 0 53.213341 -0.556394
LN6 7SH 28 0 53.212957 -0.55777
LN6 7SJ 26 0 53.212063 -0.558159
LN6 7SL 10 0 53.212521 -0.558863
LN6 7SN 8 0 53.212532 -0.55756
LN6 7SP 1 1 53.213726 -0.551484
LN6 7SQ 35 0 53.213347 -0.559075
LN6 7SR 37 0 53.211637 -0.558638