all postcodes in LN6 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN6 7QG 54 0 53.20454 -0.558606
LN6 7QJ 6 0 53.206273 -0.561842
LN6 7QL 6 6 53.224385 -0.555304
LN6 7QN 1 1 53.204968 -0.580752
LN6 7QP 34 0 53.209772 -0.564975
LN6 7QQ 12 0 53.205236 -0.558164
LN6 7QR 7 0 53.210698 -0.565303
LN6 7QS 48 0 53.209607 -0.566253
LN6 7QT 25 0 53.211284 -0.568144
LN6 7QU 12 0 53.211789 -0.571227
LN6 7QW 10 0 53.210433 -0.563889
LN6 7QX 10 0 53.212069 -0.570933
LN6 7QZ 14 0 53.211742 -0.568833
LN6 7RA 50 0 53.212485 -0.566621
LN6 7RB 18 1 53.210811 -0.564236
LN6 7RD 38 1 53.209151 -0.564891
LN6 7RE 31 0 53.208906 -0.5643
LN6 7RF 6 0 53.207218 -0.565988
LN6 7RG 43 0 53.2067 -0.566709
LN6 7RH 43 0 53.206106 -0.564333