all postcodes in SK14 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK14 2PE 2 53.451536 -2.063701
SK14 2PF 0 53.451893 -2.063943
SK14 2PG 0 53.451859 -2.063431
SK14 2PH 0 53.452041 -2.05923
SK14 2PJ 0 53.452599 -2.058192
SK14 2PL 0 53.453694 -2.061145
SK14 2PN 0 53.452679 -2.06027
SK14 2PP 0 53.454429 -2.06229
SK14 2PQ 0 53.451806 -2.062889
SK14 2PR 0 53.454538 -2.062893
SK14 2PS 0 53.454034 -2.064172
SK14 2PT 0 53.454781 -2.062441
SK14 2PU 1 53.45442 -2.065287
SK14 2PW 0 53.452975 -2.061445
SK14 2PX 0 53.454198 -2.0611
SK14 2PZ 0 53.453845 -2.065617
SK14 2QA 0 53.453422 -2.065376
SK14 2QB 1 53.453503 -2.066039
SK14 2QQ 0 53.45196 -2.06063
SK14 2QR 5 53.451363 -2.078668