all postcodes in SN12 / MELKSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN12 8RA 0 51.394507 -2.173745
SN12 8RB 1 51.395499 -2.173954
SN12 8RD 0 51.396016 -2.176558
SN12 8RE 0 51.396174 -2.173123
SN12 8RF 0 51.397456 -2.175442
SN12 8RH 0 51.393809 -2.16692
SN12 8RJ 0 51.393837 -2.16623
SN12 8RL 0 51.393165 -2.165106
SN12 8RN 0 51.39539 -2.168549
SN12 8RP 3 51.3819 -2.143167
SN12 8RQ 0 51.394843 -2.167081
SN12 8RS 0 51.3917 -2.1935
SN12 8SB 5 51.391229 -2.190437
SN12 8SX 1 51.372921 -2.139964
SN12 8WB 1 51.372921 -2.139964
SN12 8ZX 1 51.372921 -2.139964
SN12 8FB 14 0 51.382628 -2.143371
SN12 8FD 90 0 51.381935 -2.143828
SN12 8FE 35 0 51.382457 -2.143629
SN12 8FG 0 51.383314 -2.148416