all postcodes in TN12 / TONBRIDGE

find any address or company within the TN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN12 9DH 0 51.172261 0.506575
TN12 9DN 0 51.174211 0.514621
TN12 9DP 8 51.173476 0.496856
TN12 9DY 0 51.172818 0.496547
TN12 9DR 4 51.17393 0.496264
TN12 9DS 0 51.173244 0.497658
TN12 9DT 1 51.172827 0.497793
TN12 9DU 0 51.172307 0.498122
TN12 9DW 0 51.171193 0.506073
TN12 9DX 1 51.171985 0.497203
TN12 9EA 1 51.172279 0.497319
TN12 9EB 0 51.171421 0.497531
TN12 9ED 0 51.170038 0.498244
TN12 9EE 0 51.171933 0.497973
TN12 9EF 0 51.171778 0.498051
TN12 9EG 0 51.170526 0.499399
TN12 9EH 0 51.169153 0.498853
TN12 9EJ 1 51.16859 0.50034
TN12 9EL 0 51.171975 0.500222
TN12 9EN 0 51.172545 0.502584