all postcodes in TN12 / TONBRIDGE

find any address or company within the TN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN12 9EP 0 51.173886 0.505019
TN12 9EQ 0 51.173672 0.492745
TN12 9ER 0 51.173442 0.503091
TN12 9ES 0 51.173156 0.502188
TN12 9ET 0 51.172703 0.500661
TN12 9EU 0 51.172431 0.499502
TN12 9EW 0 51.17221 0.498889
TN12 9EX 0 51.172567 0.498594
TN12 9EY 0 51.172546 0.498321
TN12 9EZ 0 51.174028 0.503852
TN12 9HA 0 51.173827 0.503169
TN12 9HB 0 51.173159 0.500786
TN12 9HD 0 51.172865 0.500227
TN12 9HE 0 51.17272 0.49982
TN12 9HF 0 51.172743 0.499592
TN12 9HG 0 51.172736 0.499491
TN12 9HL 0 51.17358 0.493284
TN12 9HN 0 51.174813 0.49491
TN12 9HP 1 51.17415 0.49227
TN12 9HQ 0 51.172848 0.498924