all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 8HZ 15 0 51.517644 -0.158062
W1U 8JA 2 1 51.517699 -0.158118
W1U 8JB 7 0 51.517755 -0.158134
W1U 8JD 7 0 51.517889 -0.158211
W1U 8JE 3 0 51.518007 -0.158278
W1U 8JF 1 1 51.518134 -0.158331
W1U 8JG 12 0 51.518197 -0.158357
W1U 8JH 4 3 51.518326 -0.158385
W1U 8JJ 2 2 51.518335 -0.158384
W1U 8JL 32 0 51.518578 -0.158529
W1U 8JN 6 0 51.518713 -0.158581
W1U 8JP 3 0 51.51893 -0.158659
W1U 8JQ 1 0 51.51827 -0.158398
W1U 8JR 7 0 51.517526 -0.157966
W1U 8JW 5 3 51.518777 -0.158608
W1U 8LT 10 4 51.517141 -0.156353
W1U 8AQ 33 3 51.517051 -0.156933
W1U 8NN 1 0 51.517366 -0.156964
W1U 8NR 1 1 51.517366 -0.156964
W1U 8NU 9 9 51.517482 -0.156185