all postcodes in YO23 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO23 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO23 3NY 0 53.925602 -1.177412
YO23 3NZ 0 53.92586 -1.186255
YO23 3PA 0 53.931359 -1.210296
YO23 3PD 1 53.925974 -1.185895
YO23 3PE 0 53.923463 -1.182715
YO23 3PF 0 53.918047 -1.177903
YO23 3PG 1 53.911926 -1.188527
YO23 3PH 1 53.912016 -1.192568
YO23 3PJ 1 53.912745 -1.188641
YO23 3PL 0 53.912908 -1.192779
YO23 3PN 0 53.913734 -1.188637
YO23 3PP 6 53.906408 -1.184639
YO23 3PQ 1 53.918564 -1.201288
YO23 3PR 0 53.920304 -1.163752
YO23 3PS 2 53.922493 -1.158104
YO23 3PT 2 53.924097 -1.183335
YO23 3PU 0 53.921659 -1.153248
YO23 3PW 1 53.915504 -1.175433
YO23 3PX 0 53.926846 -1.18721
YO23 3PY 0 53.921777 -1.189813