all postcodes in AB10 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB10 6HR 18 0 57.134317 -2.117427
AB10 6HS 48 3 57.136052 -2.115979
AB10 6HT 68 3 57.135125 -2.117843
AB10 6HU 45 1 57.134459 -2.119443
AB10 6HW 4 0 57.134137 -2.127488
AB10 6HX 26 2 57.133802 -2.121011
AB10 6HY 9 0 57.132965 -2.122561
AB10 6JA 38 0 57.135426 -2.116447
AB10 6JB 17 0 57.132984 -2.121652
AB10 6JD 40 1 57.133151 -2.124775
AB10 6JE 42 0 57.133213 -2.125965
AB10 6JF 1 1 57.132047 -2.124045
AB10 6JG 20 0 57.141579 -2.113468
AB10 6JH 5 0 57.132201 -2.12231
AB10 6JJ 38 0 57.131208 -2.11902
AB10 6JL 56 0 57.129525 -2.12212
AB10 6JN 30 0 57.130125 -2.123691
AB10 6JP 11 0 57.130042 -2.125871
AB10 6JQ 29 0 57.130619 -2.124238
AB10 6JR 35 1 57.131854 -2.128537