all postcodes in AB11 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB11 8JU 46 0 57.134471 -2.082107
AB11 8JW 52 0 57.134157 -2.081693
AB11 8LG 25 0 57.137209 -2.071093
AB11 8LH 40 0 57.13756 -2.069243
AB11 8LL 18 0 57.133853 -2.078719
AB11 8LN 6 0 57.135706 -2.074692
AB11 8LQ 10 1 57.136426 -2.073074
AB11 8QX 6 0 57.138755 -2.048708
AB11 8RE 17 0 57.131875 -2.08258
AB11 8RG 4 0 57.135959 -2.072676
AB11 8RH 10 0 57.132505 -2.080384
AB11 8RJ 18 0 57.133126 -2.078849
AB11 8RL 15 0 57.133755 -2.077826
AB11 8RN 42 0 57.134763 -2.075499
AB11 8RP 9 0 57.135528 -2.072791
AB11 8RQ 6 0 57.135968 -2.072115
AB11 8RR 5 0 57.136139 -2.071603
AB11 8RS 30 0 57.136437 -2.069803
AB11 8RT 21 0 57.13642 -2.068514
AB11 8RU 34 0 57.136689 -2.069324