all postcodes in AB12 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB12 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB12 4NT 11 0 57.056363 -2.116455
AB12 4NW 5 5 57.063409 -2.131136
AB12 4NX 22 3 57.063578 -2.132786
AB12 4NY 53 0 57.062773 -2.137993
AB12 4PB 6 0 57.064981 -2.131224
AB12 4PF 11 10 57.067706 -2.130846
AB12 4PT 17 5 57.06165 -2.129267
AB12 4PX 25 0 57.063025 -2.129156
AB12 4QA 30 0 57.061576 -2.131278
AB12 4QB 1 1 57.065743 -2.133107
AB12 4QD 1 0 57.06365 -2.132209
AB12 4QE 30 0 57.06252 -2.130605
AB12 4QF 32 0 57.062784 -2.135751
AB12 4QG 50 0 57.063403 -2.127805
AB12 4QH 78 0 57.067176 -2.128462
AB12 4QL 12 2 57.059412 -2.131139
AB12 4QN 22 1 57.056173 -2.143079
AB12 4QP 14 3 57.060567 -2.12552
AB12 4QQ 3 0 57.064346 -2.122672
AB12 4QR 23 1 57.056592 -2.114288