all postcodes in AB12 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB12 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB12 5UE 36 0 57.115485 -2.121132
AB12 5UF 16 0 57.116698 -2.121434
AB12 5UG 9 0 57.115648 -2.120159
AB12 5AF 4 0 57.084219 -2.232509
AB12 5WG 3 0 57.101146 -2.201873
AB12 5WJ 15 1 57.101927 -2.196314
AB12 5WH 3 0 57.101386 -2.202963
AB12 9SB 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SD 1 1 57.148232 -2.096648
AB12 9SE 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SF 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SG 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SH 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SJ 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SL 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SN 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SP 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SQ 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SR 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806
AB12 9SS 1 1 57.148707 -2.097806