all postcodes in AB14 / PETERCULTER

find any address or company within the AB14 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB14 0TX 30 0 57.099231 -2.267891
AB14 0UA 6 2 57.099127 -2.270498
AB14 0UB 50 0 57.098106 -2.269121
AB14 0UD 39 4 57.096323 -2.267062
AB14 0UE 19 0 57.09423 -2.271007
AB14 0UF 28 0 57.097482 -2.270981
AB14 0UG 12 0 57.097225 -2.269478
AB14 0UJ 31 5 57.09594 -2.267049
AB14 0UL 41 9 57.096024 -2.269426
AB14 0UN 16 0 57.097181 -2.268867
AB14 0UP 4 0 57.098328 -2.270426
AB14 0UQ 33 3 57.096648 -2.270299
AB14 0UR 7 0 57.096007 -2.271812
AB14 0US 42 0 57.095302 -2.269464
AB14 0UT 16 0 57.097938 -2.271925
AB14 0UU 7 0 57.09623 -2.272309
AB14 0UW 8 0 57.096348 -2.271947
AB14 0UX 12 0 57.099396 -2.270698
AB14 0UY 7 0 57.095067 -2.270419
AB14 0WA 18 0 57.096167 -2.276633