all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 5EZ 5 0 57.148625 -2.129042
AB15 5FA 20 0 57.147442 -2.134458
AB15 5FD 27 0 57.148288 -2.133371
AB15 5FF 1 0 57.147822 -2.12375
AB15 5FG 40 0 57.149599 -2.124715
AB15 5FH 15 1 57.149373 -2.126119
AB15 5FJ 1 0 57.148293 -2.136445
AB15 5GB 28 0 57.148622 -2.132066
AB15 5GD 12 0 57.151788 -2.130001
AB15 5HA 24 0 57.147574 -2.145498
AB15 5HB 12 0 57.147419 -2.147266
AB15 5HD 25 0 57.149152 -2.14762
AB15 5HE 10 0 57.149262 -2.129226
AB15 5HF 18 0 57.148896 -2.130223
AB15 5HG 39 0 57.149004 -2.126944
AB15 5HH 15 1 57.14841 -2.127983
AB15 5HJ 38 0 57.148696 -2.137586
AB15 5HL 2 0 57.149444 -2.138339
AB15 5HN 2 0 57.149305 -2.133992
AB15 5HP 6 0 57.149784 -2.137227