all postcodes in AB16 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB16 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB16 5AF 7 0 57.160459 -2.142276
AB16 5AG 18 0 57.158711 -2.138946
AB16 5BB 19 0 57.15766 -2.130412
AB16 5BD 35 0 57.156155 -2.142986
AB16 5BL 15 3 57.158956 -2.136881
AB16 5BN 28 0 57.157876 -2.138728
AB16 5BP 48 0 57.158199 -2.139242
AB16 5BQ 5 0 57.157253 -2.141238
AB16 5BR 18 0 57.157711 -2.141802
AB16 5BS 18 0 57.158222 -2.142449
AB16 5BT 36 0 57.158176 -2.143391
AB16 5BX 25 1 57.157743 -2.144761
AB16 5DA 30 0 57.157211 -2.146545
AB16 5DN 72 0 57.156552 -2.149055
AB16 5DP 10 0 57.161047 -2.130474
AB16 5DQ 34 0 57.160446 -2.129447
AB16 5DR 26 0 57.162271 -2.136777
AB16 5DS 31 0 57.1615 -2.134873
AB16 5DT 32 0 57.160524 -2.132109
AB16 5DU 38 0 57.156951 -2.129782