all postcodes in AB16 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB16 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB16 6NZ 48 0 57.156766 -2.184646
AB16 6PA 39 0 57.153419 -2.175274
AB16 6PB 28 0 57.152937 -2.173619
AB16 6PD 20 0 57.153789 -2.17397
AB16 6PE 6 0 57.153546 -2.174531
AB16 6PF 4 0 57.152801 -2.174444
AB16 6PG 3 0 57.154329 -2.173311
AB16 6PH 7 0 57.153593 -2.172911
AB16 6PJ 6 0 57.154328 -2.174633
AB16 6PL 40 0 57.155791 -2.175335
AB16 6PN 24 0 57.155172 -2.174241
AB16 6PP 16 0 57.154454 -2.174006
AB16 6PQ 17 1 57.154988 -2.171512
AB16 6PR 19 0 57.155398 -2.173597
AB16 6PS 16 0 57.155981 -2.173997
AB16 6PT 49 0 57.157618 -2.172566
AB16 6PU 8 0 57.155121 -2.172835
AB16 6PW 5 0 57.155803 -2.172905
AB16 6PX 39 0 57.157259 -2.172746
AB16 6PY 6 0 57.156753 -2.170551