all postcodes in AB24 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB24 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB24 5BJ 37 6 57.154863 -2.094682
AB24 5BL 34 0 57.152954 -2.087817
AB24 5BN 24 0 57.15603 -2.094982
AB24 5BW 48 6 57.15295 -2.09423
AB24 5BU 71 0 57.153695 -2.094332
AB24 5DA 1 1 57.15223 -2.095419
AB24 5DT 1 1 57.158915 -2.093204
AB24 5DZ 28 0 57.152669 -2.085106
AB24 5EA 36 0 57.152183 -2.085468
AB24 5EB 46 0 57.151519 -2.084624
AB24 5ED 1 1 57.150894 -2.07973
AB24 5EE 57 0 57.151258 -2.085351
AB24 5EF 1 1 57.152861 -2.083147
AB24 5EJ 30 0 57.15169 -2.084062
AB24 5EG 51 1 57.15186 -2.085897
AB24 5EN 4 4 57.149756 -2.077587
AB24 5EP 30 0 57.154619 -2.09602
AB24 5ER 43 3 57.153917 -2.098415
AB24 5ES 46 0 57.154177 -2.098432
AB24 5ET 36 4 57.151921 -2.087914