all postcodes in AB25 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB25 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB25 3BA 40 0 57.160503 -2.126025
AB25 3BB 1 1 57.159649 -2.117954
AB25 3BD 1 1 57.157822 -2.120924
AB25 3BE 17 1 57.160065 -2.124072
AB25 3BF 12 0 57.159744 -2.123879
AB25 3BG 6 0 57.159779 -2.123013
AB25 3BH 12 0 57.158621 -2.124603
AB25 3BJ 42 0 57.160208 -2.115592
AB25 3RU 45 3 57.153791 -2.108481
AB25 3BP 36 0 57.156997 -2.119913
AB25 3BQ 86 0 57.159971 -2.119559
AB25 3BY 17 0 57.153892 -2.125853
AB25 3BZ 12 0 57.15461 -2.126583
AB25 3DB 56 0 57.160557 -2.116585
AB25 3DE 2 1 57.154237 -2.124506
AB25 3DH 58 0 57.160917 -2.115792
AB25 3GA 57 0 57.159048 -2.117258
AB25 3LB 1 1 57.160492 -2.119379
AB25 3LG 7 7 57.152813 -2.110187
AB25 3LH 8 6 57.152425 -2.10927