all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 5UG 2 0 57.053561 -2.496097
AB31 5UH 19 0 57.055947 -2.488968
AB31 5UJ 28 0 57.053261 -2.489015
AB31 5UL 22 0 57.054854 -2.490421
AB31 5UN 19 7 57.056884 -2.48593
AB31 5UP 30 0 57.054152 -2.48845
AB31 5UQ 31 0 57.054704 -2.487616
AB31 5UR 19 0 57.053232 -2.498658
AB31 5US 3 0 57.055454 -2.493215
AB31 5UT 38 0 57.055971 -2.49426
AB31 5UU 30 0 57.053239 -2.496928
AB31 5UW 21 0 57.05394 -2.499031
AB31 5UX 36 0 57.05502 -2.493935
AB31 5UY 38 0 57.054463 -2.498626
AB31 5UZ 14 0 57.055052 -2.495073
AB31 5WA 43 0 57.057683 -2.486089
AB31 5WB 18 0 57.058547 -2.483512
AB31 5WD 13 0 57.058039 -2.487034
AB31 5WE 1 1 57.057343 -2.485871
AB31 5WS 1 1 57.057343 -2.485871