all postcodes in AB41 / ELLON

find any address or company within the AB41 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB41 6SN 11 0 57.295957 -2.190172
AB41 6SP 6 0 57.304245 -2.203542
AB41 6SQ 6 0 57.306246 -2.215686
AB41 6SR 6 0 57.315527 -2.208934
AB41 6SS 7 0 57.319052 -2.218986
AB41 6ST 16 0 57.326779 -2.221586
AB41 6SU 3 0 57.327811 -2.250572
AB41 6SX 8 0 57.331414 -2.241079
AB41 6SY 3 0 57.334335 -2.235717
AB41 6TA 6 0 57.338406 -2.214546
AB41 6TB 6 0 57.334329 -2.208509
AB41 6AA 1 1 57.325091 -2.001417
AB41 6DS 10 0 57.317506 -2.008783
AB41 6BZ 10 0 57.313069 -2.004665
AB41 6DA 0 57.324935 -1.998473
AB41 6BX 1 0 57.313752 -2.004931
AB41 6BR 7 0 57.318315 -2.003155
AB41 6QZ 10 0 57.30642 -2.127437
AB41 6HA 28 0 57.303698 -2.051731
AB41 6DR 17 0 57.316527 -2.011224