all postcodes in AB41 / ELLON

find any address or company within the AB41 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB41 9DD 31 0 57.372883 -2.097023
AB41 9DE 6 0 57.369243 -2.088418
AB41 9DF 16 0 57.366009 -2.088709
AB41 9DG 5 0 57.366536 -2.092468
AB41 9DH 6 0 57.369188 -2.090147
AB41 9DJ 5 0 57.372345 -2.096074
AB41 9DL 1 0 57.370149 -2.075651
AB41 9DP 12 0 57.368244 -2.091275
AB41 9DQ 23 0 57.362944 -2.078379
AB41 9DR 8 0 57.363682 -2.075172
AB41 9DS 12 4 57.363781 -2.074823
AB41 9DT 6 0 57.364112 -2.076935
AB41 9DU 11 0 57.360473 -2.091588
AB41 9DW 9 0 57.361994 -2.088135
AB41 9DX 1 0 57.367132 -2.074481
AB41 9DY 14 2 57.36734 -2.086103
AB41 9DZ 6 0 57.365623 -2.087861
AB41 9EA 1 1 57.366533 -2.084023
AB41 9EB 5 0 57.365791 -2.078369
AB41 9ED 12 0 57.368301 -2.086404