all postcodes in AB42 / PETERHEAD

find any address or company within the AB42 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB42 5TH 5 0 57.507076 -2.046296
AB42 5TQ 31 0 57.504491 -2.042438
AB42 5UA 15 0 57.519768 -1.999701
AB42 5WA 25 0 57.521232 -1.993474
AB42 5WB 19 0 57.52028 -1.993024
AB42 5WD 42 0 57.521995 -2.010971
AB42 5WE 5 0 57.502325 -2.044121
AB42 5LB 0 57.520543 -2.040186
AB42 5EU 30 0 57.526191 -2.006831
AB42 5GQ 15 0 57.524483 -2.018418
AB42 5GT 16 0 57.523863 -2.0175
AB42 5GU 12 0 57.523531 -2.017984
AB42 5GZ 0 57.523144 -2.017165
AB42 5NA 2 0 57.518944 -2.126764
AB42 5BW 5 0 57.50279 -2.049711
AB42 5TP 32 0 57.505931 -2.042777
AB42 5TR 15 0 57.506404 -2.041673
AB42 5EX 0 57.502416 -2.041218
AB42 5EY 0 57.524407 -2.00211
AB42 5AZ 0 57.504145 -2.03902