all postcodes in AB44 / MACDUFF

find any address or company within the AB44 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB44 1TR 4 1 57.671223 -2.497194
AB44 1TS 10 3 57.670673 -2.497318
AB44 1TT 1 1 57.670592 -2.497401
AB44 1TX 6 2 57.670321 -2.497749
AB44 1TY 3 0 57.671113 -2.49724
AB44 1UB 17 2 57.669516 -2.499079
AB44 1UD 10 0 57.668586 -2.503143
AB44 1UH 1 0 57.668937 -2.500194
AB44 1UJ 5 5 57.668563 -2.503994
AB44 1UL 5 3 57.667208 -2.503995
AB44 1UN 10 0 57.66875 -2.499789
AB44 1UP 14 0 57.668528 -2.499183
AB44 1UQ 11 0 57.668864 -2.498282
AB44 1UR 30 0 57.668898 -2.498685
AB44 1US 1 1 57.669549 -2.497504
AB44 1UT 6 2 57.669643 -2.497089
AB44 1UX 37 0 57.668434 -2.497891
AB44 1WD 2 0 57.667711 -2.488145
AB44 1XA 23 0 57.668194 -2.499597
AB44 1XB 4 0 57.667321 -2.49987