all postcodes in AB45 / BANFF

find any address or company within the AB45 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB45 3JA 6 0 57.668551 -2.305437
AB45 3JB 6 0 57.66725 -2.294737
AB45 3JD 4 0 57.673587 -2.306804
AB45 3JJ 4 0 57.684001 -2.31726
AB45 3JL 4 0 57.6768 -2.288891
AB45 3JN 7 0 57.681166 -2.284767
AB45 3JP 1 0 57.673774 -2.325331
AB45 3JQ 30 0 57.679708 -2.324215
AB45 3JR 1 0 57.678733 -2.321435
AB45 3JS 4 0 57.662481 -2.510815
AB45 3JT 3 1 57.657811 -2.512794
AB45 3JX 3 0 57.650047 -2.531486
AB45 3LA 3 0 57.654751 -2.500987
AB45 3LB 5 0 57.654665 -2.490832
AB45 3LJ 14 0 57.64261 -2.522178
AB45 3LL 9 0 57.64159 -2.501932
AB45 3LN 5 0 57.632715 -2.494454
AB45 3LP 6 0 57.632233 -2.487401
AB45 3LQ 8 0 57.639735 -2.486476
AB45 3LR 2 0 57.637611 -2.476301