all postcodes in AB51 / INVERURIE

find any address or company within the AB51 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB51 5GL 3 0 57.240146 -2.450764
AB51 5GZ 29 0 57.235259 -2.448285
AB51 5HA 20 0 57.292262 -2.448896
AB51 5HB 7 0 57.302803 -2.448012
AB51 5HD 6 0 57.304127 -2.461853
AB51 5HE 21 2 57.307166 -2.471772
AB51 5HF 8 0 57.305869 -2.471601
AB51 5HG 5 0 57.306275 -2.473598
AB51 5HH 11 0 57.309281 -2.465691
AB51 5HJ 34 0 57.317741 -2.463888
AB51 5HL 7 1 57.323409 -2.450737
AB51 5HN 11 0 57.316762 -2.482067
AB51 5HP 6 0 57.320311 -2.505481
AB51 5HR 7 0 57.315187 -2.494349
AB51 5HS 14 1 57.307714 -2.504179
AB51 5HT 8 0 57.306594 -2.484092
AB51 5HU 13 0 57.294572 -2.482491
AB51 5HW 1 0 57.317013 -2.51159
AB51 5HX 9 0 57.294733 -2.501027
AB51 5HY 11 1 57.28347 -2.496295