all postcodes in AB51 / INVERURIE

find any address or company within the AB51 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB51 8TP 4 0 57.401157 -2.35441
AB51 8TQ 7 0 57.396306 -2.354663
AB51 8TR 6 0 57.391122 -2.354912
AB51 8TS 2 0 57.394912 -2.368547
AB51 8TX 4 1 57.387623 -2.406978
AB51 8TY 3 0 57.381437 -2.383159
AB51 8TZ 2 0 57.389331 -2.375844
AB51 8UA 1 0 57.411752 -2.466154
AB51 8UB 4 0 57.38635 -2.355931
AB51 8UD 17 4 57.411337 -2.464351
AB51 8YH 22 0 57.410712 -2.465774
AB51 8UE 2 2 57.408672 -2.466818
AB51 8UF 1 1 57.411926 -2.465191
AB51 8UH 29 0 57.401552 -2.468391
AB51 8UJ 1 0 57.393903 -2.461318
AB51 8UL 6 0 57.390993 -2.468485
AB51 8UN 13 0 57.386855 -2.450384
AB51 8UP 11 0 57.384545 -2.428721
AB51 8UQ 5 0 57.377692 -2.419523
AB51 8UR 6 0 57.372504 -2.410905