all postcodes in AB52 / INSCH

find any address or company within the AB52 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB52 6JH 11 1 57.341357 -2.612193
AB52 6JJ 28 4 57.340889 -2.612285
AB52 6JL 19 1 57.341591 -2.613825
AB52 6JN 18 0 57.338676 -2.617467
AB52 6JP 12 0 57.338738 -2.616817
AB52 6JQ 11 0 57.341717 -2.617515
AB52 6JR 39 1 57.342899 -2.618382
AB52 6JS 17 0 57.343846 -2.613862
AB52 6JT 8 0 57.338279 -2.617826
AB52 6JU 4 0 57.341713 -2.618429
AB52 6JW 10 0 57.342079 -2.618767
AB52 6JX 35 0 57.343276 -2.616461
AB52 6JY 17 1 57.345456 -2.617113
AB52 6JZ 60 0 57.344756 -2.615107
AB52 6LA 23 0 57.343851 -2.612882
AB52 6LB 8 0 57.344324 -2.610517
AB52 6LD 8 0 57.344373 -2.612708
AB52 6LE 17 0 57.343828 -2.612001
AB52 6LF 4 0 57.362488 -2.62691
AB52 6LG 42 0 57.344333 -2.617194