all postcodes in AB54 / HUNTLY

find any address or company within the AB54 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB54 7LU 4 0 57.523077 -2.771598
AB54 7LW 7 0 57.525537 -2.777913
AB54 7LX 7 0 57.524367 -2.755713
AB54 7LY 3 0 57.579586 -2.744851
AB54 7LZ 3 0 57.577628 -2.752352
AB54 7NA 4 0 57.516873 -2.739498
AB54 7NB 2 0 57.508654 -2.735312
AB54 7ND 6 0 57.524419 -2.750154
AB54 7NE 3 1 57.524941 -2.755992
AB54 7NF 14 0 57.526315 -2.757456
AB54 7NG 3 0 57.516836 -2.760799
AB54 7NH 3 0 57.520111 -2.758446
AB54 7NJ 4 0 57.526648 -2.739179
AB54 7NL 7 0 57.517573 -2.709897
AB54 7NN 7 0 57.52949 -2.702414
AB54 7NP 1 0 57.534221 -2.701873
AB54 7NQ 1 0 57.536876 -2.710122
AB54 7NR 3 0 57.533106 -2.719521
AB54 7NS 3 0 57.546765 -2.707057
AB54 7NT 3 0 57.549183 -2.728775