all postcodes in AB55 / KEITH

find any address or company within the AB55 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB55 4BZ 11 0 57.378738 -3.191215
AB55 4DA 7 0 57.407865 -3.17312
AB55 4DB 16 2 57.38887 -3.215783
AB55 4DD 8 0 57.368972 -3.23182
AB55 4DE 9 0 57.387054 -3.202814
AB55 4DF 3 0 57.443603 -3.13426
AB55 4DG 13 0 57.445195 -3.122246
AB55 4DH 3 2 57.454502 -3.128314
AB55 4DJ 9 2 57.447932 -3.118297
AB55 4DL 10 2 57.456134 -3.119198
AB55 4DN 18 0 57.459496 -3.108799
AB55 4DP 9 0 57.444792 -3.117119
AB55 4DQ 6 0 57.438383 -3.10328
AB55 4DR 4 0 57.421781 -3.1003
AB55 4DS 3 0 57.409774 -3.099556
AB55 4DU 11 0 57.439839 -3.116501
AB55 4DW 1 1 57.442044 -3.115019
AB55 4DX 9 0 57.419783 -3.113726
AB55 4DY 14 0 57.445507 -3.073803
AB55 4DZ 6 0 57.44292 -3.060249