all postcodes in B10 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B10 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B10 9EN 32 1 52.47064 -1.853968
B10 9EP 17 0 52.469928 -1.853073
B10 9EQ 18 0 52.470782 -1.852407
B10 9ER 47 0 52.470053 -1.854981
B10 9ES 31 0 52.470119 -1.854426
B10 9ET 26 0 52.468928 -1.853939
B10 9EU 40 0 52.469206 -1.853055
B10 9EX 17 0 52.470017 -1.851762
B10 9EY 25 0 52.470122 -1.84976
B10 9HA 25 0 52.470425 -1.847344
B10 9HB 34 0 52.470802 -1.84724
B10 9HD 38 0 52.470446 -1.850068
B10 9HH 30 4 52.471463 -1.830514
B10 9HJ 7 3 52.470458 -1.82857
B10 9HL 4 0 52.47004 -1.829018
B10 9HN 44 0 52.469342 -1.831008
B10 9HP 41 0 52.467657 -1.834768
B10 9HR 46 0 52.465864 -1.838381
B10 9HT 8 0 52.465704 -1.839633
B10 9HU 40 0 52.465552 -1.840693