all postcodes in B11 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B11 3RD 14 0 52.451969 -1.841125
B11 3RF 2 2 52.451607 -1.855673
B11 3RG 42 1 52.452689 -1.848759
B11 3RH 27 1 52.451996 -1.848203
B11 3RJ 67 0 52.452006 -1.849174
B11 3RL 58 0 52.451196 -1.841599
B11 3RP 22 10 52.450657 -1.848516
B11 3RQ 35 1 52.452446 -1.848172
B11 3RR 21 3 52.451829 -1.850808
B11 3RS 1 1 52.450424 -1.848959
B11 3RU 37 0 52.450962 -1.84828
B11 3RX 55 3 52.451936 -1.850175
B11 3RZ 1 1 52.451445 -1.853134
B11 3SA 58 1 52.450916 -1.847073
B11 3SB 71 0 52.452156 -1.846584
B11 3SG 3 0 52.455034 -1.861893
B11 3SH 69 0 52.454037 -1.862764
B11 3SJ 12 0 52.453459 -1.863982
B11 3SL 39 1 52.452914 -1.86343
B11 3SN 25 0 52.453478 -1.861647