all postcodes in B13 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B13 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B13 0SA 21 0 52.426043 -1.890101
B13 0SB 10 0 52.425594 -1.890014
B13 0SD 12 0 52.425109 -1.890486
B13 0SE 5 0 52.426895 -1.887731
B13 0SF 23 2 52.427884 -1.887317
B13 0SG 23 0 52.428816 -1.884594
B13 0SH 20 0 52.430371 -1.884649
B13 0SJ 31 0 52.429671 -1.885798
B13 0SL 24 0 52.430398 -1.884104
B13 0SN 32 0 52.430577 -1.883104
B13 0SR 22 0 52.43007 -1.879958
B13 0ST 36 1 52.430167 -1.877928
B13 0SU 23 0 52.428393 -1.883889
B13 0SW 22 0 52.430585 -1.882471
B13 0SX 8 0 52.427461 -1.886745
B13 0TA 12 1 52.433673 -1.869623
B13 0TB 19 1 52.432054 -1.86901
B13 0TF 4 0 52.430384 -1.870323
B13 0TG 11 0 52.430412 -1.871294
B13 0TH 8 0 52.430808 -1.872102