all postcodes in B15 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B15 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B15 3PA 1 0 52.46932 -1.938365
B15 3PB 4 0 52.469319 -1.936069
B15 3PD 2 0 52.469869 -1.945057
B15 3PE 21 0 52.470429 -1.945445
B15 3PF 4 0 52.469944 -1.94627
B15 3PG 5 0 52.470098 -1.948963
B15 3PH 47 0 52.469099 -1.94471
B15 3PJ 30 0 52.468461 -1.945447
B15 3PN 10 0 52.470206 -1.947373
B15 3PP 15 0 52.467948 -1.944594
B15 3PQ 12 0 52.469477 -1.947595
B15 3PR 12 0 52.469835 -1.943664
B15 3PS 21 3 52.470222 -1.944061
B15 3PU 17 0 52.471336 -1.942323
B15 3PW 14 0 52.470583 -1.947873
B15 3PZ 14 0 52.468019 -1.943033
B15 3QB 7 0 52.467749 -1.942151
B15 3QD 3 0 52.46686 -1.944198
B15 3QE 7 0 52.465647 -1.945701
B15 3QF 19 0 52.467923 -1.948657