all postcodes in B15 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B15 1SL 1 1 52.471841 -1.915338
B15 1SU 2 2 52.475229 -1.913815
B15 1TE 1 1 52.47337 -1.930292
B15 1TH 32 26 52.470385 -1.920134
B15 1TP 2 2 52.470592 -1.921032
B15 1TS 12 8 52.468861 -1.921232
B15 1TT 1 1 52.470954 -1.919697
B15 1UE 67 1 52.475381 -1.911724
B15 1UF 60 0 52.475381 -1.911724
B15 1UG 60 0 52.475381 -1.911724
B15 1UH 60 0 52.475381 -1.911724
B15 1UJ 55 0 52.475155 -1.910576
B15 1UQ 60 0 52.475381 -1.911724
B15 1WB 1 1 52.47337 -1.930292
B15 1WR 1 1 52.47337 -1.930292
B15 1XB 1 1 52.47337 -1.930292
B15 1XL 1 1 52.47337 -1.930292
B15 1JJ 1 52.469864 -1.916652
B15 1LZ 5 52.472642 -1.908471
B15 1TR 1 52.471463 -1.919632