all postcodes in B17 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B17 9PN 14 8 52.458905 -1.948123
B17 9PP 11 8 52.458591 -1.94908
B17 9PT 64 1 52.45791 -1.95276
B17 9PU 26 11 52.457974 -1.956012
B17 9PW 1 1 52.458807 -1.948491
B17 9PY 7 3 52.457848 -1.957351
B17 9QA 1 1 52.460706 -1.995232
B17 9QE 10 9 52.458708 -1.949756
B17 9QG 27 5 52.458427 -1.951532
B17 9QH 11 4 52.458252 -1.954466
B17 9QL 49 1 52.458261 -1.955747
B17 9QR 13 0 52.458056 -1.95897
B17 9QT 22 1 52.459378 -1.959969
B17 9QU 49 0 52.460264 -1.959094
B17 9QX 37 0 52.459994 -1.958123
B17 9QY 4 0 52.460587 -1.95696
B17 9QZ 3 0 52.460392 -1.957143
B17 9RA 18 0 52.459041 -1.958404
B17 9RD 74 1 52.458852 -1.957065
B17 9RE 26 0 52.459277 -1.956378