all postcodes in B18 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B18 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B18 4PN 38 0 52.495885 -1.93796
B18 4PP 40 0 52.496082 -1.935809
B18 4PR 39 0 52.496155 -1.937871
B18 4PT 9 1 52.496417 -1.939668
B18 4PU 8 0 52.496353 -1.939182
B18 4PW 37 0 52.495803 -1.935942
B18 4PX 38 0 52.496389 -1.937871
B18 4PY 42 0 52.496316 -1.935706
B18 4PZ 46 0 52.496576 -1.935588
B18 4QA 38 0 52.496667 -1.937841
B18 4QB 4 0 52.496722 -1.939123
B18 4QD 45 2 52.497244 -1.940182
B18 4QE 1 0 52.498277 -1.93781
B18 4QF 26 6 52.497697 -1.936346
B18 4QH 7 0 52.497675 -1.939004
B18 4QP 13 1 52.499766 -1.932828
B18 4QQ 11 0 52.499238 -1.937543
B18 4QR 16 1 52.4984 -1.93286
B18 4QS 20 0 52.498266 -1.934053
B18 4QT 10 0 52.498526 -1.933552