all postcodes in B19 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B19 1JN 7 0 52.506779 -1.906755
B19 1JP 30 0 52.506192 -1.904016
B19 1JQ 10 1 52.507881 -1.906011
B19 1JR 28 0 52.505913 -1.903913
B19 1JS 7 0 52.505951 -1.9063
B19 1JT 7 0 52.505699 -1.906153
B19 1JU 30 0 52.505258 -1.905462
B19 1JW 16 0 52.506392 -1.90652
B19 1JX 10 0 52.505025 -1.905757
B19 1JY 12 0 52.504764 -1.905654
B19 1LA 34 1 52.504571 -1.90456
B19 1LB 21 0 52.503378 -1.90389
B19 1LH 56 0 52.505741 -1.901748
B19 1LL 49 9 52.50736 -1.902525
B19 1LP 52 0 52.507819 -1.90416
B19 1LR 10 0 52.50719 -1.904146
B19 1LS 10 0 52.507262 -1.903763
B19 1LT 42 0 52.507298 -1.904677
B19 1LU 28 0 52.507317 -1.905104
B19 1LX 9 0 52.506409 -1.905135