all postcodes in B28 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B28 0QG 12 0 52.419699 -1.837477
B28 0QH 32 0 52.418232 -1.836512
B28 0QJ 26 0 52.417245 -1.837618
B28 0QL 29 0 52.418504 -1.838084
B28 0QP 37 0 52.418339 -1.835482
B28 0QQ 6 0 52.418835 -1.837112
B28 0QR 31 0 52.418743 -1.835436
B28 0QS 21 0 52.41743 -1.835221
B28 0QT 9 0 52.420309 -1.836827
B28 0QU 8 0 52.420121 -1.83749
B28 0QW 25 0 52.417541 -1.837396
B28 0QX 16 0 52.420913 -1.837634
B28 0QY 16 0 52.420722 -1.836517
B28 0QZ 12 0 52.415596 -1.855517
B28 0RA 5 0 52.41093 -1.848167
B28 0RB 8 3 52.41411 -1.846098
B28 0RD 28 0 52.414193 -1.848126
B28 0RE 3 0 52.413557 -1.849805
B28 0RF 3 1 52.414514 -1.846405
B28 0RG 29 0 52.41458 -1.848257