all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 4PQ 36 0 52.42765 -1.954968
B29 4PR 36 0 52.42944 -1.957143
B29 4PS 12 0 52.428748 -1.957482
B29 4PT 30 0 52.42917 -1.956702
B29 4PU 36 0 52.428882 -1.95632
B29 4PW 24 0 52.429133 -1.955099
B29 4PX 5 1 52.428478 -1.956291
B29 4PY 36 0 52.428217 -1.95663
B29 4PZ 18 0 52.42774 -1.956204
B29 4QE 12 0 52.420677 -1.966004
B29 4QF 45 0 52.421226 -1.96565
B29 4EU 22 0 52.423606 -1.968127
B29 4QN 32 0 52.426342 -1.968264
B29 4QP 9 0 52.427277 -1.96866
B29 4QR 40 0 52.426396 -1.969249
B29 4QS 9 0 52.427699 -1.968072
B29 4QT 28 0 52.426837 -1.970367
B29 4QU 15 0 52.427385 -1.970557
B29 4QX 43 0 52.428535 -1.968395
B29 4QY 9 0 52.42787 -1.966939