all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B29 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 4NG 8 0 52.430922 -1.954833
B29 4NH 20 0 52.430106 -1.961246
B29 4NJ 55 0 52.430269 -1.964202
B29 4NL 26 0 52.430376 -1.961981
B29 4NN 31 0 52.429658 -1.964026
B29 4NP 22 0 52.428984 -1.964865
B29 4NQ 13 0 52.430312 -1.957363
B29 4NR 39 1 52.429504 -1.959805
B29 4NS 36 0 52.428898 -1.958549
B29 4NT 26 0 52.429584 -1.957996
B29 4NU 36 0 52.428127 -1.957409
B29 4NW 17 0 52.429533 -1.9661
B29 4NZ 42 0 52.427426 -1.95666
B29 4PA 18 0 52.427021 -1.955204
B29 4PG 24 0 52.427371 -1.954439
B29 4PH 30 0 52.428001 -1.955659
B29 4PJ 12 0 52.427997 -1.954212
B29 4PL 18 0 52.428567 -1.954923
B29 4PN 22 0 52.429556 -1.955025
B29 4PP 6 0 52.429853 -1.955966