all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B33 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 8TG 10 0 52.476059 -1.81972
B33 8TH 6 1 52.475595 -1.816365
B33 8TJ 4 0 52.475981 -1.816334
B33 8TL 33 4 52.47693 -1.815794
B33 8TN 13 1 52.478503 -1.813599
B33 8TQ 16 0 52.47559 -1.818941
B33 8TX 41 0 52.47956 -1.810901
B33 8UA 29 1 52.481975 -1.814306
B33 8UB 23 4 52.480714 -1.813222
B33 8UD 1 1 52.480309 -1.812973
B33 8UE 49 3 52.480604 -1.813718
B33 8UG 9 2 52.478516 -1.812166
B33 8UH 51 0 52.478427 -1.810655
B33 8UJ 12 0 52.477953 -1.812129
B33 8UL 9 0 52.47726 -1.81197
B33 8UN 40 0 52.476017 -1.812471
B33 8UP 18 0 52.474499 -1.811452
B33 8UQ 6 0 52.478597 -1.812725
B33 8UR 27 0 52.475218 -1.810846
B33 8US 4 0 52.474579 -1.810716