all postcodes in B35 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B35 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B35 6QU 37 0 52.521126 -1.787613
B35 6QX 36 0 52.52091 -1.787423
B35 6EE 1 1 52.518108 -1.794009
B35 6QJ 15 0 52.521643 -1.785091
B35 6QL 17 0 52.522102 -1.785693
B35 6QN 41 0 52.521949 -1.78562
B35 6PZ 25 0 52.521437 -1.785902
B35 6QQ 19 0 52.522056 -1.784809
B35 6AN 17 52.521471 -1.774937