all postcodes in B35 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B35 6PG 19 0 52.523458 -1.784654
B35 6PH 4 0 52.524176 -1.783929
B35 6PJ 26 0 52.523905 -1.783193
B35 6PL 6 0 52.523168 -1.783477
B35 6PN 5 0 52.52332 -1.783078
B35 6PP 6 0 52.522824 -1.78403
B35 6PR 13 4 52.522145 -1.784307
B35 6PS 11 0 52.524016 -1.784991
B35 6PT 16 0 52.523811 -1.786009
B35 6PU 38 0 52.52221 -1.785677
B35 6PW 24 0 52.522772 -1.783154
B35 6QD 20 0 52.518503 -1.794169
B35 6QE 82 0 52.518733 -1.792076
B35 6QF 41 0 52.518932 -1.792458
B35 6QG 60 0 52.518369 -1.794641
B35 6QH 18 0 52.518941 -1.79234
B35 6QP 42 1 52.519373 -1.793016
B35 6QR 22 0 52.521432 -1.787818
B35 6QS 18 0 52.520696 -1.78878
B35 6QT 41 0 52.52081 -1.786775